MERLIN Semester 07B Time Awards

The MERLIN Time Allocation Group of the Panel for the Allocation of Telescope Time met on 11th June 2007 to consider proposals for Semester 07B (1st October 2007 - 31st January 2008). Proposals were received for L-Band (1.4 - 1.7 GHz), C-Band (4.5 - 5.2 & 6.0 - 6.8 GHz), and K-Band (22.0 - 24.0 GHz). The amount of time approved is set by scheduling constraints, and by EVN commitments within Semester 07B. There is one EVN session within this period (18th October - 8th November 2007).

The Lovell telescope will be available for L-Band operations during Semester 07B. The MERLIN homestation is the Mk2 telescope unless stated otherwise.

Detailed feedback will be circulated to as soon as possible after the provisional allocation appears on the MERLIN website.

Time was awarded in the following categories:

A and TO: Highest priority -- Observations are not guaranteed, but in the past all or almost all of the observations in this category are usually completed. TO time is for Target of Opportunity observations. Should these not arise they are covered by additional B priority time.

B: Lower priority -- No commitment is given to complete observations in this category, though a significant number are usually observed. For certain projects, this may include observations with a subset of the MERLIN array.

C: Fill-in -- Short observations of a few hours duration for projects in this category may be used to fill scheduling gaps in the A, and B programmes.

Programmes with K P Status are MERLIN KEY PROGRAMMES. These projects may be awarded large amounts of time, but on the condition that the data be made available to the community in an easily digestible form within a year of the completion of the observations. Observations may span more than one Semester. Information of any KEY PROGRAMME commitments for observations in later Semesters is not listed here but is contained within the detailed feedback forwarded to the project PI.

Please note that the information given here is PROVISIONAL. Official notification will be distributed from PATT in Swindon.

Programme Status: Not Started, Under Way, Completed, Finished-programme may not have been fully completed.

MN/R/07B/01 OH megamaser emission in the very peculiar galaxy IIZW96 - Victor Migenes - - - -
MN/R/07B/02 New excited OH masers from the MMB survey - Gary Fuller - 3 Runs B - Ubder Way
MN/R/07B/03 HI towards the circumnuclear regions of NGC6764 & NGC1482 - Rob Beswick 2 Runs A (Lovell)(See Notes) - - Completed
MN/R/07B/04 Deep observations of dwarf galaxies in the M81 group - Danielle Fenech - 8 Runs B - Completed
MN/R/07B/05 The nature of AGB stars IRAS 19075+0921 & 22525+6033 - Sandra Etoka 3 Runs B (See Notes) - - Completed
MN/R/07B/06 Detailed morphology of ultra-compact HII regions - Cormac Purcell - 6 Runs B - Completed
MN/R/07B/07 Ultraluminous I-R galaxies at intermediate redshifts - Thomas Greve 9 Runs A (Lovell) + 5 Runs B - - Completed
MN/T/07B/01 Radio jets in the 'hard state' of cataclysmic variables - Elmar Koerding - 2 Runs TO - Completed
MN/T/07B/02 Relativistic ejections from transient high-energy astrophysical phenomena - Rob Fender - - - -
MN/T/07B/03 The WMD survey - Neal Jackson - 6 Runs TO (See Notes) - Not Started
MN/T/07B/04 Classical and recurrent novae - Stewart Eyres - - - -
MN/T/07B/05 Nearby type-II supernovae - Rob Beswick - C-Time - Not Started
MN/T/07B/06 Transient jets from symbiotic stars in outburst - Katherine Brocksopp - - - -
Existing Commitments
MN/06A/10 Water masers in proto-stars associated with methanol - Marian Szymczak - - 5 Runs A Under Way
MN/06B/19 Wind-collision evolution in WR140 - Sean Dougherty - - 2 Runs A Not Started
MN/06B/20 Proper motion of the radio components in WR146 - Sean Dougherty - - 1 Run A Not Started
Director's Override Up to 10 Runs TO
Notes on MN/R/07B/03 Time awarded for NGC6764 only
Notes on MN/R/07B/05 Time awarded for IRAS 22525+6033 only
Notes on MN/T/07B/03 Single trigger only