


• During 1999 and 2000, the National Facility was in operation for an average of 8.2 months each year

• During the operating period, MERLIN observations were made for 83.2% of the time. A further 5.7% of the operating time was taken up by frequency changes requested by PATT

• 92% of MERLIN PATT Priority A observations and 86% of Priority B observations were completed successfully

• 160 proposals were received for the use of MERLIN during Semesters 99A, 99B, 00A and 00B. 86% of these had at least one UK proposer and 66% had UK PIs

• The number of MERLIN proposals received during Semesters 99 and 00 was very comparable with that in the previous 2 years. The "oversubscription" factor was ~2.6

• During 1999 and 2000, 276 individuals were named on MERLIN proposals. 117 of these were based in the UK, from 26 different institutes

• Excluding JBO researchers, 33 separate MERLIN observers came to the National Facility to process their data during 1999 and 49 during 2000. Some came on more than one occasion. Particular visits were for as short as one day or as long as two months, with a typical duration of approximately 10 days. Data processing was also carried out by National Facility staff for 38 observers in absentia during the combined period 1999 and 2000

• The National Facility was scheduled to take part in 2328 telescope hours of VLBI observations during 1999 and 2000. The success rate was 93.6%

• During the period 1999 to 2000 the EVN programme Committee received 135 proposals, of which 21 had UK PI's and a further 20 had UK Co-I's

• The number of papers based on National Facility observations published in refereed journals has increased again during the period covered by this report. The average yearly publication rate now stands at ~50

Above: The number of MERLIN proposals received in the period 1991-2000.
Above: National Facility publications over the period 1995-2000. The bar chart excludes publications by National Facility Staff that do not contain observations resulting from National Facility telescopes (even the EVN if one of the National Facility telescopes has not been included in the array), or theoretical papers.